Zoloft® Lawsuit Attorneys

Zoloft Injury Lawsuit Attorneys Albuquerque

Zoloft® (Sertraline Hydrochloride) is an antidepressant drug, manufactured by Pfizer, that falls under the category of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). SSRI medications are reported to balance out serotonin levels in the brain and are frequently prescribed to women experiencing depression during pregnancy.

Women who take Zoloft during pregnancy may give birth to premature babies experiencing breathing difficulties since their lungs remain underdeveloped. Some mothers who take the SSRI during their third trimester may develop Neonatal Adaptation Syndrome (NAS) which in turn may cause respiratory distress. Other Zoloft ®birth defects reported are: autism; limb reduction defects; heart defects; heart disorders; cleft lip or palate; clubbed foot; anencephaly; and pulmonary hypertension (PPHN). Common side effects of Zoloft® are insomnia, sexual side effects, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

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