How Much Will It Cost For My Medical Records for SSI Application?

June 10th, 2014 | by RON BELL

The State of New Mexico has a current law that medical providers may charge their patients up to $30 for the first 15 pages of their medical records and $0.25 a page thereafter.  Unfortunately, the law doesn’t specify a limit on the overall amount a medical doctor can charge, even if those records are used to apply for Social Security (SSI) disability benefits.  However, when anyone applies for Social Security disability benefits, they need to obtain these medical records.  The disabled person cannot prove their disability without past and current medical records.

If you’re considering applying for Social Security Administration (SSA) disability benefits first make a timeline of events in which led up to the disability.  Be sure to consider accurate dates, places, and witnesses when documenting such a timeline.  This will be essential when SSA considers the application, or in the event an Appeal hearing is necessary.  Social Security applications can take months to years to be processed.  During such time it’s common for injury victims to forget dates, doctor names and even medical diagnoses as time goes on.

Applying for Social Security can be an overwhelming process; therefore, it’s advisable to contact a disability attorney who handles SSI applications in New Mexico.  An injury lawyer can work with you hands on to ensure the injury victims legal rights are protected and any back pay owed to the disabled person is compensated.

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